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Brand: Generic | SKU: 2329910
₹ 3,576.00
₹ 6,418.00
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Contained in a sturdy metal bottle, eSun eResin-PLA is an excellent choice for bio-based high-precision printing. Specified as environmentally friendly, this resin has high hardness, high scratch resistance, and good moisture resistance.
eSun is a top supplier of 3D printer filament and resin, and were happy to be carrying their inventory. They are not some fly-by-night operation; eSun is an active part of the 3D printer community, and youll often see them represented at Maker Faires and 3D Printer Expos. Weve even been to their labs at the Shenzhen University grounds where they develop and test their product.
In short, eSun knows its stuff. Were extremely happy with the quality and consistency of their material.
1 x eSun eResin-PLA Bio-based resin-Clear
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